فارسی عربي

Italian Middle East Now to screen Iranian lineup

Lineup of 6 Iranian films is to go on screen at Middle East Now festival in Florence, Italy.

A lineup of six Iranian films has been scheduled to go on screen at the ‘Middle East Now’ festival in Florence, Italy.

The lineup includes a number of Iranian short films, including ‘City as Art’ directed by Aliyar Rasti, ‘Pale Mirrors’ directed by Salem Salavati, ‘White House’ directed by Arastou Mafakheri and ‘Simulation’ directed by Abed Abest.

A joint production by Iran and Afghanistan cinema, ‘Parting’ directed by Navid Mahmoudi, will join ‘Take Me Home’ directed by late Iranian filmmaker Abbas Kiarostami in the lineup as well.

The event will also introduce three books by Italian authors about Iran during a program titled ‘Iran to Know’.

‘The Great Iran’ written by Giuseppe Acconcia, ‘Iran Unveiled’ written by Fabrizio Cassinelli and ‘Iran over Iran’ written by Alberto Zanconato are books to be unveiled on April 8.

Middle East Now is an international festival of cinema, visual arts, music, food and culture from the Middle East and North Africa, set to be opened in Florence, Italy.

Middle East Now is slated for April 4-9 at Cinema Stensen and Cinema La Compagnia in Florence.

